

Telling you about the latest in open data and data initiatives in the City of New Orleans.

ResultsNOLA moves to DataDriven

June 2, 2017

by Melissa Schigoda, Senior Performance Manager, Office of Performance and Accountability
Filed under: ResultsNOLA, transparency

ResultsNOLA uses data to track the City of New Orleans’ progress towards its strategic goals, and it now has a new home on DataDriven.

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Be the first to know about NEW DATA!

March 21, 2017

by Whitney L. Soenksen, Open Data Manager
Filed under: notification, open data, transparency

Have you ever used data from Do you keep up with our data releases like it’s your job? Have you ever suggested that we release a set of City data? Do you care deeply about transparency in City government?

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There’s a lot of Police Data Available Online, and the NOPD Wants You To Know About it

November 30, 2016

Filed under: data, modernizing, NOPD, policing, transparency

The NOPD has published more police data online in the past six months than the department has ever made publicly available in its 220-year history. What type of data and how the department is using it to make critical decisions on training and deployment was the topic of a public hearing in federal court on Thursday (Nov. 17).

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