Department/Division |
What department collects and manages the data as an official record? |
Dataset name |
Brief descriptive name for the dataset |
Brief description of data |
Include a brief description of the dataset. What is the purpose? What is it used for? Include key data fields if possible. |
Data Coordinator (Business knowledge) - Name |
Who manages the data and is responsible for making changes to the data? Who understands what the dataset includes and can answer questions about it? |
Data Coordinator (Business knowledge) - Email |
Please enter the email of the Data Coordinator. |
Data Custodian (Technical knowledge) - Name |
If applicable, include a contact who manages the technical execution of the database (e.g. database management, access and extraction). |
Data Custodian (Technical knowledge) - Email |
Please enter the email of the Data Custodian. |
Data source |
What information system or database contains the data? Or what shared server or shared drive contains the data? |
Start date |
How far back does the data go? Use format (MM/DD/YYYY) |
End date |
When does the data end? Use format (MM/DD/YYYY). If the data is still being updated, use "Current". |
Geographic coverage |
Does this data cover the whole city or a subset? Or does it have broader coverage than the city? |
Geographic granularity |
What is the lowest level of geography in the data? For example, if the data is collected by address, it would be Street Address. |
Frequency of data change |
At what rate does the information in the dataset change? |
Number of records |
How many records or entries does the dataset include? |
Format |
What format is the data in? e.g. excel, sql, oracle database, pdf, word, etc. |
Existing ETLs |
Are there existing database connections or extractions? |
Existing publication |
Is this data already published (made publicly available) in some form or another, e.g. a report. |
Link to existing publication |
If you answered yes to the previous question, please include a link to the report or document. |
Priority/value |
What is your sense of the relative value in publishing this data?
- High - Existing and ongoing requests for this data; this data addresses pressing information needs or pain points (within or without the city); or we have heard compelling examples of how this data could be used
- Medium - This data may be useful for other departments or for people external to the city; we occasionally receive requests for this information; or we have heard some examples for how this data could be used
- Low - This data has unclear value for either the public or other city departments; we have never received requests for this data; or we have never heard a use case for this data
Priority/value comments |
Any details or comments to add to your response on priority? |
Technical challenges |
What technical challenges, if any, do you anticipate in publishing this data? |
Data Classification |
How would you classify this data?
- Public - this data could be publicly disseminated without any concerns
- Protected - this data is protected by law or regulation and can only be shared or accessed internally and per organizational procedures; OR this information includes individually identified information
- Sensitive - in its raw form, this data poses security concerns, could be misused to target individuals or poses other concerns.
Protected - Details |
If you marked “Protected” for Data Classification, please indicate what law(s)/regulation(s) protect this data. |
Sensitive - Details |
If you marked “Sensitive” for Data Classification, please describe your concerns |
Data Quality |
Do you have concerns about the quality of this dataset? |
Data Quality - Details |
Please describe your concerns with the quality of this dataset. |