

Data on City priorities and objectives

Criminal District Court

Percent of New Orleans Adult Learning Center participants who have completed more than 12 hours of instruction that have successfully improved academic performance (Youth Empowerment Project)

Result area:1
This measure:Percent of New Orleans Adult Learning Center participants who have completed more than 12 hours of instruction that have successfully improved academic performance (Youth Empowerment Project)
Management Statistic
44.32 percent

Why is this measure important?

GED preparation through the New Orleans Adult Learning Center aims to decrease recidivism through rehabilitation.

Definitions of key terms

New Orleans Adult Learning Center: A contract with YEP and Delgado that allows criminal court judges to assign defendants to GED preparation classes as a condition for release. Successfully completing: clearing of all completion requirements. Program gains: achievements toward completion.

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Totals for 2018

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
28.54 percent 76.62 percent

Historical trend