

Data on City priorities and objectives

Municipal Court

Ratio of new State misdemeanor cases disposed to cases filed

Result area:1
This measure:Ratio of new State misdemeanor cases disposed to cases filed
Management Statistic
0.69 to one ratio

Why is this measure important?

This is an indicator of the extent to which the Municipal Court is able to efficiently manage its case load.

Definitions of key terms

State Misdemeanor: a misdemeanor criminal charge based upon a State Statute, usually a Title 14 offense prosecuted by ADAs.Misdemeanors are crimimal offenses punishable by a fine, in most cases, of up to $500 and by no more than 6 months in jail. Disposed: a case where a final ruling has been made. Misdemeanors are crimimal offenses punishable by a fine, in most cases, of up to $500 and by no more than 6 months in jail.

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Totals for 2018

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
0.687898 to one ratio

Historical trend