

Data on City priorities and objectives

Mosquito, Termite, and Rodent Control

Average business days to complete mosquito service requests

Result area:3
This measure:Average business days to complete mosquito service requests
On track
1.57 business days
Year to date goal:
Not more than 3 business days

Why is this measure important?

Shorter response times reduce the chance that changes in weather could affect the mosquito population, and also reduce the risk mosquitoes pose to residents.

Definitions of key terms

Business Days: Monday through Friday. Mosquito Service Request: 311 request from the public relating to a mosquito infestation. Respond: Act of the Mosquito Control Board completing initial field observation.

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Totals for 2018

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1.9 business days 1.4 business days

Historical trend