

Data on City priorities and objectives


Percent of WIC mothers who initiate breastfeeding

Result area:3
This measure:Percent of WIC mothers who initiate breastfeeding
Near target
29.39 percent
Year to date goal:
At least 30 percent

Why is this measure important?

Breastfeeding is the healthiest form of nutrition an infant can be given and results in multiple health benefits for babies.

Definitions of key terms

Women Infant and Children Clinics: Clinics funded through Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. WIC mothers: all mothers enrolled in WIC services. Breastfeeding: feeding of an infant or young child with breast milk rather than using infant formula.

No measures

Progress in 2018

Note:  There were 518 total breastfeeding mothers and 1733 total post-partum mothers in the program. A main cause of the lowered percentage of breastfeeding mothers is the challenge of staff shortages and continued statewide drop in participation.

No measures

Progress in 2018

Note:  There were 518 total breastfeeding mothers and 1733 total post-partum mothers in the program. A main cause of the lowered percentage of breastfeeding mothers is the challenge of staff shortages and continued statewide drop in participation.

No measures
No measures
No measures

Totals for 2018

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
28.93 percent 29.89 percent

Historical trend