

Data on City priorities and objectives


Percentage of WIC infants who are breastfeeding partially or exclusively

Priority:Quality of Life
Objective:Prioritize the needs of marginalized populations
This measure:Percentage of WIC infants who are breastfeeding partially or exclusively

Percentage of WIC infants who are breastfeeding partially or exclusively

12.74 percent

Progress in 2019

Progress in 2018

Note:  For fiscal year 2017, the average breastfeeding rate for Louisiana infants participating in the WIC program was 12.6%. The numerators in the reported data were calculated using the number of infants participating at the City of New Orleans WIC clinics that are partially and exclusively breastfed for the reported quarter. The denominator is the total number of infants participating in the City of New Orleans WIC program for the reported quarter. These numbers are retrieved from PHAME which is the Louisiana WIC Electronic Health Record.

Totals for 2019

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
13.41 percent 12.24 percent 12.55 percent

Historical trend