

Data on City priorities and objectives


Number of days lost to fire suppression personnel injuries

Result area:1
This measure:Number of days lost to fire suppression personnel injuries
Needs improvement
1,110 days
Year to date goal:
Not more than 1,000 days

Why is this measure important?

Reducing the incidence of loss of life & injury to firefighters is of the upmost importance. The number of days lost due to injury is a measure of the department's efforts to promote the health and wellbeing of firefighters.

Definitions of key terms

Fire Suppression Personnel Injuries: Any injury to a firefighter that occurs during the course of their workday (On Duty Injury). Days Lost: Regular hours not worked due to fire suppression injuries (Offset by members providing transitional duty work hours). FRMS Fire Records Management System: NOFD data base where information is recorded & stored; it is used to provide fire reports to comply with NFIRS. NFIRS - National Fire Incident Reporting System: Provides a standardized reporting system for the U.S. fire service. City Payroll System: Computerized system used by the City to report employees' pay codes.

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Totals for 2018

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
591 days 519 days

Historical trend