

Data on City priorities and objectives


Percent of structure fire calls dispatched within 64 seconds (answer to dispatch)

Result area:1
This measure:Percent of structure fire calls dispatched within 64 seconds (answer to dispatch)
Needs improvement
22.49 percent
Year to date goal:
At least 60 percent

Why is this measure important?

Speedy response times are critical to containing and extinguishing fires, as well as saving lives and minimizing damage to property.

Definitions of key terms

Fire incident: Fire emergency responses that are not a medical or other non-fire related incident. PSAP (Public-safety answering point): 9-1-1 call center. CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch): The system that assists dispatchers to take civilian calls for service and dispatch the appropriate response capability. FRMS (Fire Records Management System): NOFD data base where information is recorded & stored; it is used to provide fire reports to comply with NFIRS. Medical Incident: Incident with NFIRS code starting with 3. NFIRS - National Fire Incident Reporting System: Provides a standardized reporting system for the U.S. fire service.

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Totals for 2018

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
22.89 percent 22.09 percent

Historical trend