
Managing Data for the City of New Orleans

The City of New Orleans has adapted these resources from the City and County of San Francisco and the DataSF initiative. The purpose of this information is to provide instruction to Data Coordinators within The City of New Orleans. Data Coordinators should use these resources to help them in their new role. We’ll update this guide as the roles and responsibilities of the Data Coordinator evolve and as we learn more about implementing DataDriven NOLA.

Submit Score Card

We recognize that your experience and knowledge will affect your ability to score the dataset. Feel free to consult with the Data Steward and/or Data Custodian if you need help with this step. As well, the data team is here to walk you through scoring if you need – just email

Instructions for Score Card: Each individual score can range from 0-3, which is auto-calculated to a Group Score (from 0-12). The Group Score and Grade are automatically calculated from the scores entered in the white cells. There are three groups: Data Quality, Open Data and Data Costs.  Fill out each individual score according to the following scale:

3 = Very Good
2 = Acceptable
1 = Poor
0 = Unacceptable

If you don’t know how to score a column, leave it blank – and if the score is zero, make sure to type the 0.

Data Quality
Data complete & reliable = 3
Data manually recorded, sometimes excel = 2
Duplication or deleted records = 1
No agreed upon way to track records = 0
Data matches business process = 3
Somewhat matches process = 2
Vaguely matches process = 1
Does not matches process = 0
Updated immediately = 3
Updated almost immediately = 2
Updated sometimes = 1
Large backlog of updates = 0
If HISTORICAL/ARCHIVED data, leave blank.
Open Data Score
Public = 3
Protected = 2
Sensitive = 1
Confidential = 0
High = 3
Medium = 2
Low = 1
None = 0
Helps a lot = 3
Helps somewhat = 2
Might help = 1
Does not help = 0
Will build trust with community/high public interest = 3
Potential to help build community trust = 2
Neither increases or decreases trust = 1
Decreases trust = 0
Stored and updated in a system = 3
Stored/updated in excel = 2
Stored/updated in word, pdf = 1
Tracked on paper = 0
Easy to provide = 3
Semi-easy to provide = 2
Difficult to provide = 1
Not able to provide = 0
Easy to maintain = 3
Semi-easy to maintain = 2
Difficult to maintain = 1
Not able to maintain = 0